Tägliche Andachten

October 01

Bless the Lord

Gloria Copeland
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

Great things happen when you continually confess the mercy of God. Faith rises up on the inside of you. The reality that God loves you begins to sing through your spirit.

What’s more, it brings honor to your Father when you believe His Word and magnify His love and mercy. You honor Him when you speak of His goodness and loving-kindness, when you talk about Him as your Father of love Who does only good. It blesses Him when you praise Him as the great God of the universe who is eager to bless and Who even gave His own Son because He so loved the world.

David was a man after God’s own heart. He knew how to praise his God. Until you have the Word dwelling in you richly so that you can speak psalms and praises out of your own spirit, use the praises of David to magnify God. Speak them or sing them out loud to the Father.

Put His words continually on your lips. You will soon begin to experience the thrill and the joy of realizing that God is indeed “rich in mercy” because of His great love with which He loved us. Your faith will rise to new heights and your Father will be blessed! And you will be blessed.

Heiligschriftstudium: Psalm 89:1-18

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