Tägliche Andachten

June 02

Consecrate Yourself

Gloria Copeland
I always do those things that please Him [my Father].

Many years ago, before I understood much about living a holy and consecrated lifestyle, I prayed and believed God for the money to buy a house. At the time, it seemed to me like a big request. After all, Ken hadn’t been in the ministry very long, and we’d never owned a house before. What’s more, we’d committed to God not to borrow money, so the amount of cash we needed seemed monumental.

It took me awhile, six years to be exact, but I got it by faith. Some years later, I found another house I wanted. Once again, I prayed and believed God for it. But this time was different. I had begun to walk in the things I am teaching now, so when I prayed, I had a confidence toward God that I hadn’t experienced with the first house.

Somehow I just expected Him to give me what I asked. I knew in my heart I’d been diligent to do the things He wanted me to do. I had consecrated myself to Him. I’d been faithful to Him—and I expected Him to be faithful to me.

And He was. The second house only took three weeks!

You see, it’s not God Who holds out on us. Our prayers are hindered because our own lack of consecration affects our heart. It keeps us from receiving what God wants to give.

Jesus had so much confidence in the Father that His faith knew no possibility of defeat. He also always did those things that pleased His Father. Can you see the connection?

Jesus’ total dedication to pleasing God caused total confidence in the Father. And total dedication in your life to the things of God will do the same for you. If you’ll plant God’s Word in your heart and confess it with your mouth, before long you’ll see the results springing forth. Jesus will make Himself real to you. And your heart will be constantly filled with confidence toward God.

If that’s not a fabulous way to live, I don’t know what is!

So make those adjustments today to get your affection on God. Consecrate yourself to Him, and watch your confidence level soar!

Speak the Word

I always do those things that please my Father. (John 8:29, nkjv)

Heiligschriftstudium: Ephesians 4:17-24

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