Tägliche Andachten
Do Not Buy the Lie!
Satan can’t force you to do anything. He doesn’t have the power. All he can do is make a presentation and try to sell you the lies he’s peddling. He can’t make you buy them. He can only present them. You have a choice whether to take him up on his sorry deal or rebuke him and command him to leave you.
So when he makes you a presentation, learn not to toy with it. Don’t take the bait. Instead, learn to immediately turn away from his doubts and start thinking and speaking the Word of God instead. Ask yourself, What does the Word say that guarantees me the very thing the devil just tried to make me doubt?
Get in the Word of God and find out the real truth. That’s where your authority is—in the truth. Satan will lie to you, cheat you, trick you, deceive you and bait you into bondage, if you’ll let him. But God will always tell you the truth. And that truth will make you free.
So don’t buy Satan’s lies. Once you know the truth of your authority in Christ Jesus, you won’t spend your days crying about how bad things are. You’ll spend your days telling those mountains to be cast into the sea.
Instead of acting like a whiner, you’ll be more than a conqueror in Christ. You’ll kick the devil out of your affairs with the words of your mouth. And as you stand in triumph with your needs met, your body healed and your heart rejoicing, you can laugh right in the face of that snake as he slinks away complaining about his defeat.
Speak the Word
Jesus has given me power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing by any means hurts me. (Luke 10:19)
Heiligschriftstudium: Luke 4:1-13