Tägliche Andachten
Rise Up to His Way of Thinking
God’s Words are living forces. Powerful forces that, if you allow them to take up residence in you, will produce holiness in your life.
To be holy is to be separated to God’s use. Therefore, if you allow your choices to be bathed in the Anointing of God’s Word, those choices will separate you from the destructive bent of this natural world and take you into the blessings of the Supernatural realm.
Just think how far-reaching the consequences of such a change would be. Your choices can affect an entire generation. You can make certain choices that can either damage or enrich lives all around you. What may not seem like a very important decision to you, may ultimately make vital differences in your own future and that of your family.
But God sees the whole picture. He knows what’s around the corner that you can’t see. So when you are walking in His choices, your life starts to fit. Things start working. All the pieces of the puzzle start coming together.
You can save yourself so much heartache and headache it isn’t even funny, just by spending some quality time in God’s presence and in His Word. If you’ll let Him, He will help you with every choice you make.
To have abundant life on this death-bound planet, you’ll have to live a Supernatural lifestyle by making SUPERnatural choices every day of your life!
So start now getting that Word into your heart. Start now letting the force of it and the anointing upon it direct your choices—big and small. Let God begin to lift you up to His way of thinking.
Speak the Word
I abide in Jesus, and His words abide in me. I ask what I will, and it is done for me. (John 15:7)
Heiligschriftstudium: Deuteronomy 30:11-20