Tägliche Andachten
Risky Business
Several years ago, this ministry fell behind financially—nearly $6 million of television bills behind! It looked to us like the answer to that problem was very complicated. We thought about selling all our ministry property and buildings so we could use the money to pay off the deficit. But then, we wouldn’t have had any place to house the ministry operations.
Things looked dark. But do you know what got us through that situation? It wasn’t some new revelation from God. It wasn’t some flash from heaven bringing us an instant solution.
What overcame that deficit was the same thing that put food on our table more than 30 years ago when we first began to live by faith: a patient application of the Word of God.
I had our old reel-to-reel tapes of Kenneth Hagin’s messages transferred to cassettes and listened to them again. We made fresh application of the simple principles of confession he’d taught us so many years ago. We corrected ourselves in the things we had let slip. We increased our deposits of God’s Word in our hearts and said the Word with our mouths.
In other words, we just did like James 1:4 says. We let that trial work patience in us, and when it was done, we lacked nothing. Not only was the deficit paid, but we haven’t been behind financially since that time.
What’s more, the testimony of that particular victory has encouraged others in similar situations.
That’s the risk the devil always takes when he puts you through a trial. He takes the chance you’ll come through in victory and end up stronger than you were before, instead of weaker. He takes the chance of giving you another testimony of the miracle-working power of God.
If you’re facing a challenging situation, and the devil is up to risky business, just apply the foundational truths you’ve already learned. Do what you know to do, as you expect the Holy Spirit to teach you more, and God will take care of the rest. The devil will suffer another defeat to the glory of God!
Speak the Word
“I lay aside every weight and sin which so easily besets me. I run with patience the race that is set before me.” (Hebrews 12:1)
Heiligschriftstudium: James 1:1-8