Tägliche Andachten

July 27

The Key to Pleasing Is Receiving

Kenneth Copeland
For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

As a teenager and young adult, there were many times before I left home that I came to my earthly father, A.W. Copeland, with things that seemed messed up beyond hope in my life. What a relief it was to hear him say, “Well now, this thing is not as bad as it looks.”

“Boy, that’s good, because I thought I’d messed up for life,” I’d say.

“No,” he’d reply, “now let’s think about this a little bit.”

As we would talk about the situation, my father would bring up things that I hadn’t considered and didn’t know. Soon relief and peace would begin to settle into my spirit, and I would think, Whew, I’m going to get out of this. Thank God…and thank Daddy! 

Why did that happen? I became comfortable in the midst of my circumstances when I’d listen to him. I put my confidence in his desire for my success. My willingness to make decisions that honored Daddy’s word and his commitments to me gave him the opportunity to do what was always in his heart for me.

If I had continued to walk in it as I grew older, instead of thinking I was smarter than Daddy, I could have enjoyed even more benefits in that father-son relationship. But I didn’t. I rebelled. I began to think I knew more than Daddy did—and I continually got deeper into trouble.

That was so stupid. Daddy already knew how to get me out, but I wouldn’t listen to him. Without faith in someone who knew better, I made decisions that continually worsened my situations.

The atmosphere this created drove a wedge between my daddy and me. Did his love for me change? No. Had my actions made him less willing to do everything he could to help me? Not at all. The choices I was making hurt him because eventually he could no longer reach me, and I couldn’t reach him. But none of it was his fault—it was mine.

God is the same way. No matter what we do, His love for us never changes. When we get into a mess, He wants to help us get out. He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Pleasing God is as simple as getting in a position to receive all that is in His heart to give. He is a loving Daddy Who wants to help us. He delights in our prosperity and well-being (Psalm 35:27).

So go to Him. Tell Him about your mess…trust Him with your life…and then watch Him unravel it all…and give you His perfect peace.

Speak the Word

God is my rewarder as I diligently seek Him.  (Hebrews 11:6)

Heiligschriftstudium: Psalm 46, 125:1-2

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