
When we join together financially the reach is far more and the harvest is greater. 

Prison Ministry Outreach in KCM Europe


Prison card - free bible teaching resources for prisons

Firstly, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s hearts are especially tender towards men and women who are in prison.

Therefore, within the mission statement of KCM, the Prison Ministry Outreach Team has been directed to minister to prisoners in the following ways:

  1. Leading them to a saving faith through the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16)
  2. Agreement in prayer
  3. Providing free teaching materials as part of Prison Ministry Programme. 
  4. Answering Bible questions within the realm of the prison ministry gifts of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

This why we have a team to minister on their behalf to those behind bars. Outreach in KCM Europe Prison ministry currently reaches into prisons in the UK, Germany and Italy and is available to all English speaking prison inmates in Europe. 

We currently have partnerships with chaplaincy and church based Prison visitors, which are are able to distribute KCM Bibles and products that we supply to them in order to help the people in prison come to know who they are in Christ Jesus and live a victorious Christian life in their Covenant rights and privileges. 

  • If you have a prison ministry outreach or you are currently in a prison and would like our support please get in touch.
  • The free subscription to our Prison Ministry Programme needs to be requested by the individual, we cannot activate by a referral.

We also communicate with the inmates directly. If you are in a prison in Europe, call us at +44(0) 1225 787310 or email partners@kcm.org.uk to register. As a partner, you will receive a copy of the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine and the Partner letter, and can request a KCM NKJV Bible and From Faith to Faith daily devotional.

Benevolent Tithe


When you give to outreach in KCM Europe we take at least 10% of that seed and sow it into other ministries and outreaches, we call this “twice sown seed”. The financial support is given to ministries connected with helping the progress of outreach in KCM Europe.

» A special report on this important type of humanitarian work is found here.

» A special feature on the support Kenneth Copeland Ministries gives to Sporting Marvels in the Rhondda Valley in South Wales is found here.

For example:

  • Faith teaching ministry’s evangelists going into extreme areas;
  • Ministries working to stop human trafficking;
  • Non-judgmental support for those in crisis;
  • Work with school, sport and community groups.

The ministries are selected from application and agreed by our board of trustees.  We are honoured to be able to support them as part of our mission to get the Word out on every available Voice.

Relief Fund

The Relief Fund is a special ministry of Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe that encourages partners to support other partners in difficult situations. This fund has been established to respond to immediate relief / disaster needs typically arising at short notice. For more information on the Relief Fund, see here and the Relief Fund blog here.

Covenant Praise Report


Our Covenant Praise annual report is the overview of all of KCM ministry worldwide. We use this report to keep our Partners updated so that you can celebrate with us our victories and growth around the globe each and every year. There is always so much to tell you and keep you informed over new initiatives, new outreaches, Partner Growth, Testimonies and much more.  We pray that as you read it that it will inspire to pray for the ministry and know that with our precious Partners support we are all making a huge difference sending the Word out from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around.

2020 Covenant Partnership Report

Kenneth Copeland Ministries is a registered charity and is subject to the governance of the English Charity Commission. Registered charities have significantly greater responsibilities to demonstrate high financial and ethical standards.